“The Cross of Christ is standing bold and firm in heaven and on earth; it wavers not.”
“Of Eternity is the proof of Gods Love through this Cross of Forgiveness.”

Our Mission is :
to communicate kindheartedly with you, for the sake of mutual progress on our Journey Home through this world of separation.
Our common Leading image is the presence of Christ as is so well expressed in this statute of CHRIST in Rio de Janeiro.
This Evangelical service is committed to all who are in search for true answers on the mystery of our Origin, our Identity and Destination.
It is meant to be The Course of the Cross of Christ, thereby offering a direction change for our individual course of life towards the Accomplished Work of Christ on the Cross.
It is a self supporting service and thereby totally independent of whatever Christian church, denomination or para-christian movement.
Yeshua the Nazorean , the Miracle Man, with the latinized Christian name “Jesus”, WHO transcended as The CHRIST during the last stage on the Cross of Calvary, is our Movement and Motivation.
Yeshua accomplished His Divine Ministry with what became the fundamentals of His Course of the Cross and which were thus voiced by Himself in His final stage on the Cross:
“Father FORGIVE them, for they know not what they do” (Gospel of Luke, 23:34)
“It IS FINISHED” , (Gospel of John, 19:30)
and finally
“Father into Thy hands I COMMEND my SPIRIT !” (Gospel of Luke, 23:46)
Thus is the Accomplished FORGIVENESS Work of CHRIST on the Cross.
You are, without any obligation, invited to share these communications, these Evangelical revelations, with us.
If you wish so, please do proceed by clicking any of the links below
Pages in English
Pages in Dutch
No DONATIONS needed, so we ask for none.
Here is only SHARING in freedom, with the Spirit-power of CHRIST, as is faithfully exampled by my Spiritual Teachers:
Hendrik Th. Lilipaly from Indonesia and
Tara Singh from India.